Fishing Club Constitution and Rules

Club Constitution

Article I: Name

The name of this organisation shall be the Durness & Kinlochbervie Angling Club, hereinafter referred to as "the Club."

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Club shall be to promote the sport of angling, foster conservation efforts related to aquatic ecosystems, provide educational opportunities for members, and encourage camaraderie among anglers.

Article III: Membership

1. Membership in the Club shall be open to individuals who share an interest in angling and who agree to abide by the Club's constitution and bylaws.

2. Membership categories, dues, and privileges shall be determined by the Club's committee.

3. Members shall have the right to vote in Club elections, hold office, and participate in Club activities.

4. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership.

Article IV: Officers

1. The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, IT Support and any other positions deemed necessary by the Club.

2. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote  at the annual general meeting and shall serve for a term of 3 years.

3. Officers shall be responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the Club, implementing Club policies, and representing the Club in external matters.

Article V: Meetings

1. The Club shall hold regular meetings at a frequency determined by the executive committee.

2. An annual general meeting shall be held each year for the purpose of electing officers, approving the annual budget, and discussing other important matters pertaining to the Club.

3. Special meetings may be called by the Club Secretary or upon written request of a majority of the members.

Article VI: Finances

1. The Club shall maintain accurate financial records and operate within a budget approved by the membership.

2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the Club's finances, collecting dues, and disbursing funds as authorised by the committee.

3. Financial reports shall be presented at each regular meeting and made available to members upon request.

4. This is a non-profit Club so any surplus funds once all operating costs of the Club are taken into account, will be distributed to local community projects.

Article VII: Amendments

1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the membership at least 14 days prior to the vote.

Article VIII: Dissolution

1. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more non-profit organisations with purposes similar to those of the Club, as determined by a majority vote of the remaining members.

Article IX: Bylaws

1. The Club may adopt bylaws to further define its operations and procedures, provided that such bylaws are consistent with this constitution.

Date of Adoption: 1st April 2024

This constitution of the Durness & Kinlochbervie Angling Club was adopted on 1st April 2024

Fishing club rules are essential for creating a safe, ethical, and enjoyable fishing environment. They contribute to the overall well-being of the fishing community, promote conservation efforts, and ensure that members can engage in their hobby in a responsible and sustainable manner.

General Rules

1.Any breech of these rules should be reported to Phil Shaw (Club Secretary) or Andy Johnson on 07887 510305

2.Only fully paid-up members or purchasers of day tickets are allowed to fish.

3.All Members shall contribute to work parties.

4.Any Member who is boat fishing on their own must return to collect a second

member when given an indication that they wish to join the boat.

5.All Members shall act as bailiffs for the Durness and Kinlochbervie Angling Club and shall do their best to prevent fishing without permission.

6.Fishing is by conventional Fly tackle only on all waters.

7.Catch and release should be adhered to where possible. All fish under 10 inches should be released alive, with care and exercise to prevent injury.

8.No more than two fish taken in each session.

9.A return of fish caught must be made by visitors at the end of the session to the place that the ticket was issued on the form provided.

10.Members must make a return of fish caught before the 15th of October two weeks after the end of the season.

11.No litter shall be left. Any person seen breaking this rule shall be dismissed from the Durness and Kinlochbervie Angling Club, or if a visitor, be denied future permit purchase.

12.No person 16 or under is allowed to fish, unless accompanied by an Adult (over 17).

13.Any keys or access codes required will be issued to all members. Please remember they are club property and for member use only.

14.Indicated parking is to assist members, please close any gates on the way to waters.

15.Dogs to be kept under control at owners' responsibility at all times.

16. In the interests of minimising disturbance to breeding birds, fishing is not permitted on the Lochs in the area of and East of Loch Mór a’ Chraisg until August. Permit issuers must make permit holders aware of this and any further periodic restrictions which may be issued by the Conservation Officer as a result of increased breeding bird activity.

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