Discover Kinlochbervie

Welcome to Kinlochbervie.

Kinlochbervie and the surrounding townships are a small but active fishing and crofting community with a population of  400.  We are situated on the northwest edge of the British mainland in a land an d seascape of outstanding natural beauty.

Here you can experience the weather coming in off the Atlantic.  See and feel the quality of light and water.  Witness closely the effects of the last ice age.  Hear a veritable orchestra of birdsong.  See and smell the wild garden of colour on the machair.  Watch out for deer, otters and minke whales.  And of course watch out for and take precautions against the legendary midge and tick!

Relax and breathe in the fresh air- let your senses revive and restore you. We are proud to share these pleasures with you and ask you to respect our way of life by being aware that we are a working community dealing on a day to day basis with livestock, commerce and essential services.


The 'wild' land you see around you is very likely part of someone's livelihood. The roads are our essential highways. Please understand and follow the Scottish Access Code and rules of the road. Enjoy our local facilities, book ahead and become one of our many returning visitors.

Here is a small selection of photographs that illustrate the diversity of the area.

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